October 22, 2024

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Traveling to nepal: 3 tips before visiting the country

visiting the country

Visiting Nepal, kingdom of the Himalayas, treks and temples, is a goal accessible to any hiking lover or any traveler in search of tranquility. What could be better than a complete summary  to prepare your trip well and enjoy this superb country?


1 – When to go to visit Nepal?

2 – Tourist visa: how to obtain it?

3 – The general atmosphere in Nepal?


To hope to benefit from pleasant weather, two periods of the year are the best to go on a trip to Nepal: autumn and spring. October and November are the most popular months for tourists and trekkers who go to conquer Everest base camp, therefore the price of accommodation is higher. Take care to book your hotel nights some time before you leave so you don’t end up on the street.

As for going to Nepal in the spring, it is a good point for the warmer temperatures and the sunny days of March and April which cause the blossoming of rhododendrons at altitude. This is the right time to visit Kathmandu , capital of Nepal, and its valley. It is also a good time to go hiking or to do a trek in Nepal Be aware, however, that you may be disappointed with a panorama blocked by low clouds. Spring is ideal for visiting the national parks in the south of the country and hoping to come across elephants, rhinos, or even a Bengal tiger with a little luck.


You will get it very simply on the spot by landing at Tribhuvan airport, Kathmandu. You will need to fill in the correct form, available in the main hall of the airport. Bring several passport photos and enough US dollars to pay for your visa. Do not hesitate to think large when you do your change, you can use them on site if you have any left. The immigration area has a currency exchange office, convenient for getting your first Nepalese rupees and paying for your taxi at the airport exit.


Those who have visited India will say that the two countries share a similar vibe, on two different scales, of course nice places to live in Spain .

If Kathmandu surprises with its atmosphere of human swarming, the rest of Nepal is fundamentally calmer. Admittedly, the capital is teeming with activity: cars, scooters, trucks and horns all the time, the cities live to the sound of traffic. We slalom between the cows on the road, we avoid the pedestrians. The Nepalese hail each other in the street, the street vendors approach the tourists. However, you only need to step away from the city’s hyperactive heart to find a calmer vibe.

As soon as you leave Kathmandu, which is a sprawling megalopolis compared to other cities in Nepal, the tingling is reduced to normal human activity. Depending on your itinerary in Nepal, you will find that the larger cities tend to replicate the Kathmandu model, but you won’t find the capital’s suffocating feeling anywhere else.

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