March 9, 2025

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An Action Plan Care package for those who have been isolated due to Covid-19

Care package for those who have been isolated due to Covid-19

There have been numerous broad discussions about Covid-19 data and policy, such as “doing the right thing at the right time,” “herd immunity,” “flattening the curve,” “Blitz spirit,” and so on. In addition, the administration faces various health, economic, and social difficulties.

However, life must carry on. Simple yet fundamental requirements must be accomplished. While airlines, restaurants, retailers, cab drivers, hotels, tourism, and many other industries have been severely impacted, supermarkets have fared very well. After much delay and in the face of empty shelves, the major retailers are finally taking some easy steps to prevent stockpiling and, to a lesser extent, direct supply to the elderly.

Local volunteers have organized help centres in many localities to buy for the homebound and provide moral support for the lonely. Churches, mosques, and synagogues are all undergoing profound changes. Many are forced to close their doors and stop holding religious services.

Voluntary organizations, local religious and social organizations, and individual supermarkets and shops play vital roles in this new drama. The crisis will also allow interfaith cooperation and engagement between neighbours who have only recently met.

All of this, however, is insufficient to replace concerted action.

Therefore, for the time being, let us focus on one practical question: how can persons limited to their houses due to the high danger of contracting Covid-19 be certain of acquiring basic supplies? We pitch an idea of a wfh care package in Singapore

Appeals to discourage panic buying will fail unless there is a coordinated structure to ensure that individuals in lockdown obtain the necessities regularly and consistently. Here is the backbone of a memorandum to the government, written in style more suitable to a comment article and meant to elicit a concrete response. Readers are encouraged to provide suggestions for additions and changes.

  1. Normalization. With a limited number of options (for example, meat or main vegetarian meals), there should first be a high degree of standardization.
  2. Table of Contents Sanitary and hygiene materials must be included, such as antibacterial soap and hand gel, disinfectant, toilet paper, and washing up liquid; a non-prescription painkiller in a modest amount (usually paracetamol); milk and bread; and basic food supplies, whether fresh, frozen, or canned.
  3. Price. At a price.
  4. Qualification. There should be as little red tape as possible. It may become necessary or beneficial to develop an eligibility system and a method to assure that each person receives only one fortnightly packet. GP clinics can offer lists of people above a particular age (60? 65? or 70?) and those of any age with medical issues that place them at high risk (with patient agreement).
  5. Administration. A central government team committed to the project must review the details as soon as possible. The team should work with large food suppliers, supermarkets, and a small number of volunteer organizations.

My solution does not yet address every issue that may arise. What about the homeless? What role should food suppliers other than supermarkets play? Can taxi and Uber drivers, Deliveroo, or volunteers be included? That is why my fifth point is so crucial. There will undoubtedly be errors and omissions at first. However, time is essential. Refinements can be added later.

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